
New Scientific Direction
of "Bilancio e reddito d’impresa"
("Financial Statements and Company Income")

We are proud to announce that Guido and Andrea Vasapolli have received the prestigious appointment of scientific directors of the new monthly journal, "Bilancio e reddito d’impresa", published by Wolters-Kluwer IPSOA, undisputed leader in Italy in the tax and legal publishing sector.

This new monthly journal is an important component of a complete learning system called "DUO-Bilancio e reddito d’impresa" ("DUO - Financial Statements and Company Income") that includes our bestselling book, "Dal Bilancio d’esercizio al reddito d’impresa" (From Financial Statements to Company Income), now in its 17th edition, regular seminars around Italy and an e-learning course with video updates.

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Leading Edge

Vasapolli & Associati win Leading Edge Alliance
Best Innovative Firm Initiative Award 2009

Vasapolli & Associati has always been an active member of our networks, attending international conferences, and making the most of what they provide in terms of networking, information sharing and business referrals. This year, however, we decided to put our neck on the line and enter the Annual Leading Edge Awards, raising our profile within the network and competing in a field of world class accountants and business advisors from 400 professional offices around the world. We were delighted when our entry “Vasapolli and Associati - Innovation Inside and Out” brought home the Best Innovative Firm Initiative Award 2009.

"Our modus operandi is to guarantee an excellent service to our clients. This has been our sole focus in our recent and continued endeavour to improve our organisation." Andrea Vasapolli, Managing Partner



Vasapolli & Associati wins
Ferpi "Balance Sheet Oscar"

In 2002, Vasapolli & Associati win the Ferpi (Italian Federation of Public Relations) "Balance Sheet Oscar" for client Cartiere del Garda in category "Large Private Companies". Other category awards went to: Assicurazioni Generali (Insurance), Banca Sella (Banks and Finance Companies), Italcementi (Public Companies) and Eptaconsors (private SMEs).

"We have been working with Vasapolli & Associati for 12 years and have always had an excellent service and strong contact with the partner in charge. As a result of their collaboration we even brought home an Italian balance sheet "Oscar". We value their expertise which has made a significant contribution to the continued success of our company". Michele Ferrari, CFO Cartiere del Garda (part of the CVC Capital Partners portfolio).

Launched in 1954, the "Oscar del Bilancio" is the most prestigious and recognised award in its field on a national level, born out of a collaboration with the Italian Banking Association (ABI), the National Association of Insurance Companies (ANIA), the Assolombarda bank, The Italian Stock Exchange, The National Advisory Board of Dottori Commercialisti, The Italian Post Office and financial newspaper, Il Sole 24 Ore.

The award has made a significant contribution to creating a stronger culture of transparency in Italy.