
Italian law regulates three types of partnership:
- the Simple Partnership (“Società semplice”, S.s.). The simple partnership may not be used to carry out business activities and is not discussed here,
- the General Partnership (“Società in nome collettivo”, S.n.c.), and
- the Limited Partnership (“Società in accomandita semplice”, S.a.s.).

These kinds of Partnerships do not have a legal personality. The partners have unlimited liability, with the exception of the Limited Partners of a Limited Partnership. However, creditors' claims must be first applied to the assets of the partnership before invoking the liability of the partners.

A partnership is created by a contract between two or more partners. The partnership agreement must be drafted in the form of a public deed or a legalized private deed.

Corporate entities may be partners of Italian partnerships. No minimum capital is required and contributions can be made in cash, in kind or in personal activity of the partners.